Candidiasis: its causes, natural remedies and more

February 19, 2011

Candida is a fungus normally found in the gastrointestinal tract, vagina and mouth, which can proliferate in an abnormal way in certain circumstances such as an imbalance in the intestinal flora, causing a condition known as candidiasis.
Causes of candidiasis:
• A weakened immune system, which may be due to poor nutrition, a long healing antibiotic or a vitamin or mineral deficiencies such as vitamin C, A, E, or calcium and iron.
• The abuse of drugs.
• poor hygiene.
• dress habits.
• Poor eating habits.
• Nerves, irritation, tension or anxiety, emotions that lower the body’s defenses.
• Cause Emotional as all diseases, candidiasis is related to emotional states or attitudes toward life.
Symptoms of candidiasis:
When this fungus multiply abnormally, through the intestine and enters the bloodstream, where it releases its own toxins causing candidemia. This phenomenon gives rise to symptoms such as those mentioned below, and which vary depending on the area in which this condition. The symptoms are:
• Abdominal Problems
• intestinal discomfort such as diarrhea or constipation
• Poor digestion
• Gas and bloating, abdominal discomfort (constipation or diarrhea), food intolerance, irritability, insomnia, memory loss, headaches and depression.
• Candidiasis can cause reduced or poor absorption of nutrients in the intestine, which can cause a state of malnutrition.
• If you are in the skin folds, usually cause red rash with patchy areas that ooze small doses of white liquid.
• If the condition is in the vagina (vulvovaginitis, which sometimes tends to attack pregnant women, diabetic or treated with antibiotics), symptoms are white or brown vaginal discharge, itching, swelling and pain when urinating or having sex, burning or discomfort in the area.
• The condition usually strikes people (especially men) with diabetes who are allergic to metabolites released by the yeast in the vaginal fluid. This is an allergic balanitis. It should be emphasized that the yeast is not sexually transmitted. This condition causes red, scaly rash, often painful and sometimes appears at the bottom of the penis.
• When the yeast affects the lining of the mouth, causing what is known as thrush, which is a lesion characterized by a whitish membrane. This tends to occur more in babies before six months, due to their immature immune. These are small cracks or cuts in the corners of his mouth.
• If the nails, can cause painful swelling and pus formation.
• The deep candidiasis is characterized when the disease manifests itself below the surface layers of the skin (the cornea and epidermis). In these cases, can have severe and even fatal.
Natural remedies for thrush:
• Diet: You must meet especially your diet to increase your defenses and the immune system is restored and strengthened. Include foods that have vitamin C as lemons, guavas, oranges, broccoli, berries, etc., In your diet. If you eat fruit, try not to mix with other foods for better use and its sugar does not ferment other foods, preventing the use of nutrients. Avoid as much as possible refined and processed products containing added artificial colors, additives, preservatives and refined sugars all who are terrible at this time. Also avoid fried foods, meats and animal fats, including more fresh vegetable juices in your diet. Take a clove of garlic in fasting every other day, with half a glass of warm water. Garlic is an excellent fungicide and germicide, also help to purify your body and strengthen your immune system.
• Avoid eating refined sugar and dairy products (cakes, soft drinks, canned goods, etc..) Can greatly help reduce candidiasis.
• Wear comfortable clothing that is cotton, synthetic fibers and avoiding tight or snug.
• Avoid local pharmacy counter antifungal creams, suppositories, liquids, and pills that only attack the symptoms but not solve the problem or cure the condition. Also remember that too much medication promotes and enhances the possibility of the proliferation of candida. So what is the best remedy and natural antibiotic that is mentioned in the next step.
• Natural Antibiotics: The advantage of these antibiotics is that not only attacks the symptoms but help strengthen the body’s healing system, strengthening the immune system remarkably. Garlic and lemon are natural antibiotics excellence. Garlic is recognized for its powerful antifungal and antibacterial properties.
• local washes with special herbs, such as tea made from Pau d’Arco, a South American tree that have antifungal properties, as well as tea tree, chamomile, etc.
• For the mouth: tea tree oil (tea tree) can be diluted in water and gargle and swish with.
• Vaginal candidiasis: in addition to everything mentioned in the article, do not use towels intimate if you are not menstruating, the vaginal area skin must breathe and aerated, which can not do if you use towels daily (which some have perfumes and synthetic materials that can irritate the vagina). It also avoids the use of synthetic underwear. It is best to use cotton clothing and change clothing as soon as possible if it becomes dirty or wet.
• If using soap or detergents to wash dishes or clothes, wear gloves to protect your hands. These products tend to break the ecological balance of the skin as they have strong chemicals that have the ability to drag the fat, and thus also affect the sebum layer, where substances are nonspecific immunity. If this layer is broken or unbalanced, then Candida is not the barrier that prevents their proliferation. Detergents cause maceration of the skin, then the moisture softens the cuticle of the nail and is a virtual space between the nail and skin, and that is when the candida proliferate.
• Practice macrobiotics, which is not only a way of eating, but a philosophy of life. Must be taken into account to avoid fungal infections or any other condition is related not only a way to eat but with a whole set of habits that include food, lifestyle and way of thinking and approaching life.
• Propolis: Taking propolis is also of great help to fight infections and strengthen immune system.
• Debug your body: the fungi have a lot to do with having a blood carrying toxins and acids. If you want to cure deep cleansing diet a couple seeking to restore the body and return to its natural balance.
• Sea water: sea water is an excellent alternative to avoid all types of skin fungus. So do not hesitate if you go to sea bathe in its healing waters.
More on the candida ….
Take into account your emotions. Like any disease, candidiasis is related in a deep way with the attitudes and modes of feeling and seeing life. Irritation, moodiness, anger constantly kept or content not only cause the body’s defenses down, but the overall body becomes unbalanced and is more prone to all kinds of diseases and infections. Candidiasis, for example, is associated with strong feelings of frustration and distrust of demand, especially in relationships. It also relates to a feeling of being constantly scattered or confused. Readings are recommended here to help a new way to approach problems and life experiences, so that we have an understanding of what we feel and the people with whom we interact.
The message that we can get this disease …
You learn to accept and love ourselves more, to feel more full and be able to stop others, avoid feeling frustrated and angry with them because they do not meet our expectations. When you stop being to another, you let yourself free you too, so you can trust in you and people around you. You can also watch you and if you notice that you criticize or demand too much, start developing a treatment and friendly dialogue and understanding with yourself, with yourself.


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